Saturday, April 17, 2010

the ramblings of a gluten free princess on a carb fast

i am so sorry i havent been on to blog!!no reason except i forgot. how i could forget to talk & use my words is beyond me but there it is. currently in the castle the king & i are on a 21 day carb fast. so just meat & veggies (& popcorn:) day 6 & except for the said corn we are doing pretty bad. day 2 i blew it with gf scones i made at the tea shop. choco orange scones & vanilla scones that a customer wanted. i so forgot & popped a smidge in my mouth to test. yummy by the way. but that wasnt the bad part really. the fact that i shrugged my shoulders & popped another flavor in my mouth, that was bad!! i repented & went forth a forgiven princess. then day 3. my friend rhonda went out of her way to make a choco torte (again at the shop) useing my gf flour mix. yes, i had a bite. yes, it was fabulous!!! i recommend it. days 4&5 were much better except for the popcorn thing. day 6 the king found some gf pound cake we found in a gf store in lacey. by the way, g.f.joes in lacey!! awesome little store that is devoted to the gf lifestyle. thanks joe!!!! anyways, pound cake, yes, it was good!! i also recommend. a bit of an after taste but all in all very good. we talked of strawberries & cream would definetly be called for. we also found a cute little tea room in olympia called the tea lady. nothing like ours. no food but lots of tea & accessories to go with said tea. i bought 2 rooibos tea blends. the first from metropolitan tea co called belgian chocolate rooibos. oh dear!!!! so delish!!!!! i taste a hint of mint. the other one is from the republic of tea called chocolate orange rooibos. tasted just like my scones. another o dear!!!! both are caffine free so i can drink them all day. only bad side affect..... i really gotta go to the bathroom a lot!!!nothing like clean kidneys:) im thinking of featuring these teas at the shop for our date with chocolate tea in july. i think they will be great!! as for the shop.... wonderful. i think my mom would love to go as would a couple of my friends . we tryed some pizza crusts last weekend. these were from kinnikinnick. not bad. not great but not bad. i prefer garlic jims pizza crust better. the store bought crust reminded me of school pizza. i was never thrilled with that. for meat i used a lamb sausage from metropolitan market. oh yeah!!! good stuff. for the sause i used classicos garlic 4 cheeses pasta sauce. its gluten free & it says so on the back. it was the goodest pizza. i say goodest becouse it wasnt the best due to the crust. well,on with the fast. 2 more weeks. i want to do better & im going to. no more popcorn for this princess. i will sit & make pretty jewled things & sip yummy teas & think of popcorn. tata for now.... the gf princess :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

where to go for good gf stuff

oooo!! i love saturdays. especially if i have no plans but to lounge around. my musings today are on the neatest places i can go for good gf stuff. whether its groceries, dinner, you know, stuff. this week was friesenburgers here in tacoma. yummmmy!!!!run by two retired guys. the allergy thing started when a family member had an allergy to shrimp. now, im not too clear how they went from shrimp to gluten but i praise the Lord for it!!!! when hubby took me there for my first time i went straight for the big mamergammer. the gluten free bison friesenburger with fries of course (cose i could) 15.00 for this bad boy of burgers. it was loaded to the gills with a fried egg, tapioca bun, bacon, cheese, lettece, tomatoe, onion, and two 3rd lb bison patties. i suggest splitting this thing with a friend(my hubby helped on this one) yummers all the way. now, not all the burgers are that spendy. just this one. well, this week i had to have another burger so back to friesenburgers we went. this time i went for the regular friesenburger burger. much more reasonably priced @ 9.95. this was also friesenburgered. thats a fried egg, bacon and all the other stuff. the tapioca buns are very nice. he told me how they steam them and everything. oh, this thing was awesome!!! lets see, that was tuesday. last saturday hubby took me to sharis for breakfast. now, i know what your thinking... what in the world is your hubby thinking taking you to sharis?well, we had gone while on our way back from sacramento in feb. we were hungry & i figured how bad could it be? all im doing is sitting in the backseat of a truck so worse comes to worse i can be sick in peace. again, praying before going in, thats the key, praying before going into uncertanty, not after. im not stupid of course saying God, help me to not get sick on this here pancake. now thats just stupid crazy!! no, i pray that my food is taken care of right. i was fine. i ordered an omelet with veggies and stuffed hashbrowns. i told the server ( who had no clue) just make sure no bread comes anywhere near my plate. anyways, i was great afterwards. so this time hubby wanted to take me to breakfast. cool!! i ordered the same thing again from a server with no clue. repeated my last line from cali to her & she got it. was confused about the hashbrowns. i assured her i knew what i was doing. again, i was fine. praying ahead of time, not after when all hell breaks loose in my body. i have been blessed on this jurney of gluten free living. i try to make it fun, adventuresome both for me and my hubby. both of us are foodies & this will be our first summer being gf. im going to miss a lot of foodie opps like folklife fest, taste of tacoma, bite of seattle, garlic fest. i think i feel more bad for my hubby cause hes the "normal" one, but, you know what?! its all part of life & marrage & how we deal with stuff. hes been a huge fan of me and all he wants is whats best and safest for me. he can eat anything pretty much, we are wondering whats giving him the heartburn,and we will still be going on these outings, just not eating the same things that we use to. i guess it wouldnt be so bad if the pain waited till the next day to pop up, that way i could "cheat" so to speak & deal with the consequenses later. nope! if your anything like me, 20 mins after eating "bad" things, im done for. and to have to hike all the way back to the truck sick, tired,weak, and thats just my hunnie carring me back to said truck. no, i think ill just learn how to save more moneys to buy more sarongs. i may be hungry but im gonna look cute doin it!!! be blessed my gffs. and eat safe. the gf princess